To Do
Checked means completed / queued for posting.
Unchecked means uncompleted.
Requests / Inbox Check
maveriqueslider flag
cis anonbinary flag
g?rlthing flag
demig?rlthing flag
aroace (rose) version of yumesexual/yumeromantic (dreamsexual/dreamromantic)
venusarian and solarian combo flag
venugender and juparian combo flag
GNC and queerhet combo flag
GNC and het combo flag
paroflexible flag
meparo/pamero (meroparo/paromero) flag (combo of mero and paro orientations)
adei- redesign/alt
cham(el?)eoflexible flag
placioflexible flag
tris and darcian combo flag
mestric, tris, and darcian combo flag
redesign/alt bingender flag (both binaries sense)
mefeille and femielle combo flag
exobinary and viabinary combo flag
neurogender and neurosex combo flag
self-partnered nonamorous flag
nonpartnering amorous flag
allospec and cupiospec combo flag
neptunic and tragmat combo flag
uranic and orupin combo flag
gaystrayt flag (based on gaihet concept)
duequaric flags (
asocial spectrum flag set
aspec and allo(spec) flag set for mental attraction
aspec and allo(spec) flag set for domestic attraction
flags for genderfluix equivalents to sex terms, older terms, and younger terms
flags for genderfluix equivalents to sex terms, older terms, and younger terms
flags for genderfluix equivalents to sex terms, older terms, and younger terms
alt cusper flag
alt ciscere flag
alt notbinary flag
alt tmain(gender) flag
alt tfein(gender) flag
placioromantic and iamvanosexual combo flag
compile quoi[attraction] flags, and potentially make flags for attractions that don't have a quoi versions
agender and androgyne combo flag
binaryfluid flag edit
ambinary and mesogender combo flag
bigender and bisexual combo flag
bigender and omnisexual combo flag
bicurious and transvir combo flag
cisdian (cis veldian) and name nonconforming combo flag
cisdian (cis veldian) and transnominal/crossnominal
rainbow and intersex ally flag combos but with different shades of blue and purple
rainbow flag edits
anticomgender flag
mirrored pronouns and maxigender combo flag
multitrans(itional) and monogender combo flag
afidelitous, partnering, and alloaro combo flag
femaric, transhet, polyvariangled, and aroacespec combo flag
microgender flag set
minigender flag set
parvusgender flag set
emipixelgender flag
sentipixelgender flag
Tumblr has been a bit odd with asks sent in, so if your request isn't listed here and I haven't responded or turned it down, feel free to send another.
Sometimes I'll accept requests / plan to do them, but not actually be able to complete them (e.g. can't come up with a flag design). So a request being listed here doesn't guarantee I'll (be able to) complete it.
Includes stuff I'm thinking of making that wasn't specifically requested by other people.
(I say "specifically", because I often turn simple requests into a megapost of multiple flags lol.)
Just because something's listed here doesn't mean I don't want other people making them, I'm perfectly fine with that, the more pride flags the better :)
(I may even link to it in my posts, since I've come to like compiling/archiving things.)
cis + gender flags
tris + gender flags
trans + gender flags
cis aligned
tris aligned
gender+ update
supragender update
hypergender flags
hypogender flags
genderslider flags
multigender/polygender + gender flags
demigender update
paragender update
libragender flags
pangender + gender flags
pan-gender-quality-in-nature-gender flags
gender presenting flags
macrogender flag set
Long Term / Big Projects
to do (neocities)
list of flags I use (neocities)
gender flags extended+ (neocities)
remake my Lgballt Picrew on neocities